Sunday, January 19, 2014

"More Than Meets the Eye"

One of the things about The Zentangle Method, is all tangles are patterns, and many are inspired by things in nature. Our entire world is a pattern, some inside others, and some may seem random. Today I saw this Ted Talk, and I couldn't help but love the patterns. Just like a finished Zentangle may look more complicated than they are to create, many things in our day-to-day lives look more simple than they are inside. I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day 17

This is a "mono-tangle," where the entire tile is one tangle. I wanted to explore new patterns that can be good all by themselves. 

Day 16

Day 15

Today has been a busy work day, which is refreshing since December was so slow. It is really nice to come home after a busy day and tangle. My mission today was to try patterns I have never used before. 

Day 14

Day 8

Day 7

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 13

Today is an exciting day! I had a meeting with a local art studio to discuss hosting classes there, and we set up three dates to give a try at the local market for classes. I really hope some of you will come out! I will post more information soon with details, but classes will be two hours long and $35 to start with. Very excited! I have to make a few sample tiles to keep in the studio for examples. Any other tangles reading, suggestions for patterns to highlight? 

This is one of the "basic" tiles and patterns we will start with. This tile will be at the studio as an example. 

Day 6

I am behind in updating posts, but will catch up this week.

Day 5

Day 4

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 9

This is actually a coaster. Working on new ideas to make it "functional" art, but also to possibly use as gifts!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 3

Day 2

Drawn in my hand in the Ft. Lauderdale airport. We got to the airport early after a frustrating commute from port, then were told we could not check in yet, since we were so early. Once we got to the gate the plane was delayed. Good time to relax and tangle. Also proving you can always make space.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 1

Happy New Year! Today was an "at sea" day on the cruise. It has been nice to get away, and to be truly off the grid. Helps bring some peace of mind and with that peace, it was very relaxing to tangle.

A Zentangle A Day

Hello 2014!

With the new year, many of us are making resolutions to make ourselves better people. So many resolutions will focus on our health and finances - such as lose weight, work out every day, make a budget and stick with it. But what about our mental and spiritual health?

This year, for 2014, I resolve to make a Zentangle A Day. This is to guarantee myself 30-90 minutes of meditation a day, but also to help me build my portfolio and skill, so I can turn around and be a better teacher. Practice what you preach, right?

I hope you will join me in this endeavor, or in days along the way.

Here is to a Tangled 2014!